home Family How to be a Great Best Man Your Friend will Appreciate for the Rest of His Life?

How to be a Great Best Man Your Friend will Appreciate for the Rest of His Life?

Being asked to be the best man at your friend, colleague, or family member’s wedding is one special event in life. It can be as eventful as being the groom himself. As the best man, you will have certain duties to fulfill other than looking good in a tux. If you are committed to being a great best man the groom can be proud of, here are several tips for doing just that:

Plan a Globe-Shaking Bachelor Party

The quintessential element of being a best man is planning the bachelor party. Once upon a time, this was just a dinner. But these days there’s just about anything you can do. First of all, consider what the groom wants. Ask him or think about what he has liked in the past and then plan the party. It could just be a one night event or everyone can go on a short vacation before the big day. It will be the best man’s duty to select a venue, guests, menu, and everything else.

Arrange the Adult Entertainment for Him

Bachelor parties wouldn’t be bachelor partied without some wild entertainment. Once again, it will be the best man’s duty to arrange this for the groom. Search for bucks party Perth entertainment in the local area and you will be able to find exotic dancers, semi-nude waitresses, or anything else you would like at the R-rated event. Make sure you only hire adult entertainment if the groom is all right with it. If there are explicit instructions not to do something, don’t do it.

See the Groom Through the Rehearsal

If you are the best man, then you can’t skip the wedding rehearsal. This is for your benefit as much as the groom’s. Keep in mind that even at the rehearsal, the groom maybe in need of you. If he has any specifications for the actual ceremony, you will be the person he entrusts this information to. Therefore, make sure you are at the rehearsal ready to support the groom in full.

Prepare a Speech for the Toast (but Don’t Reveal It)

The best man is required to give a speech toasting the newlyweds at the wedding reception. So take some time to prepare this speech so it’s good enough to bring tears to the groom’s eyes. You can ask the groom for input if you so desire, but don’t reveal portions of the toast before the big day. It should be a surprise! You can practice the toast at the wedding rehearsal dinner, but do a rudimentary version of the speech without revealing everything.

The groom will be full of nerves on the actual wedding day and he would need all the support he can get. It’s not just the brides who get nervous on their big day. Therefore, the best man should be ready to help the groom get through the day. Be the driver so the groom doesn’t have to, for starters. Drive him to the areas he needs to go, the wedding venue of course, as a best man’s courtesy. And follow the above tips to make sure the groom is prepared and ready come the wedding day.


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